I am hoping that you will enjoy visiting my blog. I'm sure it will be an ever evolving process and will grow. I am a mom of 1 daughter and 4 four legged kids. Three Bostons,and a Pug. All rescues. My life is not complete without my dogs. I have to create. It is not an option. There has to be some form of art going on in my life. If you are interested in a piece, please let me know. You can e-mail me at brendalouhayes@yahoo.com. I am now set up to accept payment through PayPal. I will also accept checks. Please enjoy. If you see something you like and it doesn't have a price, send me an e-mail.
brendalouhayes@yahoo.com or
Easy Leftover Roast Beef Stroganoff
It's a great idea to make enough Roast Beef for leftovers and this is one
of my favourite ways to make a whole new meal.
- 3-4 cups slivered lefto...
One of my favorite Jessie Willcox Smith images.
Cranberry muffins I made long ago when my mom was still
with me. My favorite trivet is standing in the ba...
Remember Etsy Treasuries? (Read More....)
I came across some of my curated Etsy Treasuries that appeared on the Etsy
front page way back when and thought I would share. Of course all of these
cool ...
Bead Swap Sign Ups are now open!
* Sign ups are now closed. I have sent out all partner emails today! Please
check your email and your spam box if you don't see it in your regu...
Up-cycle an old File box into a writers box
*Up-cycle an old File box into a writers box. Perfect project for the
Paper Addict.*
You've seen these before
First I cleared out all th...
Cleo Hoodie
I have started sewing again and I’ve met the amazing pattern designer and
owner of Stitch Upon a Time, Jennifer Getter. Jennifer is also starting a
new s...
Kelebihan os Android Marshmellow Terbaru
Kelebihan os Android Marshmellow Terbaru -- sekarng ini sudah jamannya os
marh melllow yang merupakan os keluaran terbaru dari android. namiun sayang
dan s...
Holiday Open House 2015
We had a great time at this year's annual open house, Dec 4-5! It was our
biggest turnout yet!
If you'd like to be added to next year's mailing list and r...
Grateful And Peaceful
Hello, friends. I've been away most of this year, due to some serious
health complications.
All my life I've been very lucky and very healthy. I had never ...
Sharing some new jewelry work I have done recently. I really enjoy working
with wire, beads, and baubles. I love the thought process of putting things
Jan. 29 Update
Thursday (Feb. 2) I go for my second treatment of Yervoy. Unfortunately
there seems to be now change so far. I'm optimistic and I welcome all of
your good...
I have always been obsessed with heart shapes and I love the baby blue glass beads paired with the white pearls and silver tones. I have this fun and summery necklace priced at $35.00 + shipping costs. Free delivery for locals.
Some copper, some orange glass beads, some coral colors, some white pearls. What is not to like? I have this priced at $25.00 + shipping costs. Free delivery to locals.
This necklace gets a lot of attention. I made the cross first in hopes that I would find the perfect beads to match and I think I did. It has some ceramic beads (the large circle one I made myself) It has some antique blue flower beads. Glass beads and repurposed beads. Along with the pewter lock and pewter chain. I have it priced at $45.00 + shipping costs. Free delivery to locals.
It has been pointed out to me that I do not make enough red items. Since red is probably my least favorite color, it is hard for me to get inspired by it. So, I challenged myself to get some red beads and make a variety of earrings for the next Artwalk. I ended up making about 20 pairs of earrings and 1 bracelet.
Going to Hattie in Minnesota.
I plan on making many more of these in a variety of colors.